
Philosophy, Vision, Missions, and Objectives



Any Development cannot happen without good administration. Likewise, good administration cannot also happen without good knowledge and thorough understanding of what to be administered and developed.


Graduating within 3 Years with High Quality 


  • To maintain high standards and determine to continuously produce graduates to acquire outstanding qualifications that can respond to demands of the communities.
  • To conduct research works as well as build new bodies of knowledge that can be used for further development of graduate studies and the development of local communities as well as for the global benefits.
  • To provide academic services and professional support services to communities and society so that people can enjoy better quality of life.
  • To preserve arts and culture so that valuable local identities can be maintained. 
  • To provide efficient and effective academic services and support for students and lecturers through standards systems.


  • To produce graduates in a field of development administration who will be academics and high-ranking development administrators. These graduates will be trained to be moral and ethical, have good knowledge and high abilities, can work with efficient and effective performance in organizations, both in public and private sectors, and be able to use academic principles and research as references when making a decision.
  • To produce research works on various aspects of administration and development which can be truly applied in the development and administration of society, politics, businesses, and ways of life of Thai people, especially, those in the middle and lower social classes.
  • To develop new bodies of knowledge in field of development administration which are useful, can be truly applied in the real world and can be served as references for other academic works.  



1st Strategy: To develop an approach for systematic knowledge management so that knowledge gained from such approach can be used as valuable resources of the organization and enhance the organization’s competitive advantage.

2nd Strategy: To enhance the performance of lecturers and personnel (ภาษาไทย บุคลากรสะกดผิด)

3rd Strategy: To enhance the quality and standards of graduate education of the university so that it can be widely accepted and trusted by the publics.

4th Strategy: To enhance the quality of lecturers’ research works so that they can establish new bodies of knowledge and be applied in teaching and learning activities at graduate level.

5th Strategy: To provide proper environment, buildings, study rooms, and media and resources that are modern and can facilitate and promote high quality experience in education.

6th Strategy: To provide academic services that truly respond to communities’ needs

7th Strategy: To promote morality, ethics, and arts and culture.