Home > News > thesis exam > The program would like to congratulate "student" Phramaha Chet Phawit Nahome, a student of the Doctor of Philosophy program. Department of Development Management who have passed the exam "Thesis Outline" on "Factors Influencing Technology Acceptance
The program would like to congratulate "student" Phramaha Chet Phawit Nahome, a student of the Doctor of Philosophy program. Department of Development Management who have passed the exam "Thesis Outline" on "Factors Influencing Technology Acceptance

admin phdadmin
2023-09-03 12:45:04

The program would like to congratulate "student" Phramaha Chet Phawit Nahome, a student of the Doctor of Philosophy program. Department of Development Management who have passed the exam "Thesis Outline" on "Factors Influencing Technology Acceptance in Applying for Dhamma Education Exam"

Monday 10 March 2023 at the Doctor of Philosophy conference room Development Management Branch, Building 31, 3rd Floor


facebook : https://bit.ly/3n1dIHc

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